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Our ambassadors  : We make the most accurate 3D maps in the world


The watch sector is confidential - contact us directly

Close your eyes and imagine a needle, the width of a hair, spin on its own for ten days, 24 hours a day. 10 unruffled days during which, every second, hundreds of 3D datapoints are created. 240 hours, night and day, during which everything is done to engrave more than 100 million datapoints, without a single error allowed. This exclusive result stems from a meticulous and long process, where the wood, the temperature, the humidity, the needles, the calculations, and the timing of billions of electrical impulses must be mastered on the day of the launch. Afterwards, one can only discover with great impatience, little by little, the emergence of infinite details. Each calculation includes the earth's curvature to guarantee our realistic accuracy. If it is necessary to protect the wood from direct exposure to sunlight, our artworks require no maintenance and are guaranteed against any defect for 5 years. Do not hesitate to suggest your region and come "see".


High cartography



La haute cartographie est notre ambassadeur. Elle présente une nouvelle capacité, celle de créer de nouveaux objets profondément complexes. Contactez-nous en français, allemand & anglais.


High cartography is our ambassador. It presents a new ability, that of creating new deeply complex objects. Contact us in French, German & English.


Hohe Kartographie ist unser Botschafter. Es stellt eine neue Fähigkeit dar neue zutiefst komplexe Objekte zu schaffen. Kontaktieren Sie uns auf Französisch, Deutsch und Englisch.

GRAVITY.SWISS / SWITZERLAND WATCH VALLEY / Allée du Quartz 3 CH-2300 La Chaux de Fonds

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